Author Archives: Vanberge

What is Happening…

…to Television and Movies?…

Seriously think about it – Try this yourself right now, off the top of your head.  Try to name 5 good television shows that are on current network television.  And then, try to name 5 good movies that have come out in 2007.  Without doing hours of research, here is what i can come up with (even with some help from Vanbergs):


  • 300
  • Transformers
  • Knocked Up

TV Shows:

  • The Shield
  • The Black Donnellys (Which, is cancelled)
  • The Office
  • Rescue Me (which is skating on very thin ice)

Now try the same exercise, exept with ‘bad’ movies or TV.  These lists of ‘bad’ items aren’t worth an unordered list, or even comma separation for that matter.  Movies:  Spider man 3 Die hard 4 I know who killed me Stomp the yard The simpsons Breach Oceans 13 Ghostrider Rush hour 3.  TV Shows:  24 house nip tuck so you think you can dance american idol anything on mtv prison break The bachelor Singing with the stars Really any reality tv show now that i think about it.

If my point is not already understood, it is that most current TV and Cinema are waste of time, film, money, and the electromagnetic spectrum in general.  Of course, these are MY opinions.  I’m sure plenty of people like watching “The Hills” or “My Sweet 16” on MTV – but, those shows ARE God-hideous in an un-debatable sense.  Additionally, I haven’t even seen all of the shows/movies I listed.  The reason is, mostly, you can tell what shit is without having to lean over and smell it.  I don’t need to see Die Hard 4 to know that it all but ruins the first three.

So now the question is “why?” – Why has it come to this torrid level of production?  The answer, i am confident, is Generation Y. I can’t blame the movie/TV companies because they are just giving the masses what they want. The masses, the “little brothers and sisters” of Generation X; have been spoiled and fed life with a silver spoon.  As best I can tell, this is probably due to the fact that the parents of Gen. Y have grown up much rougher.  I can understand that, the parents come up tough and fighting, so they want their kids to have it better than they did. I understand that completely, and I’m not criticizing it.  I’d want the same for my kids.  But, the spoiled nature of Gen. Y is breeding the forward thinking out of the equation.  Hence, people do not want to watch forwardly intelligent programming.  Instead, they want to see stupid attractive people doing stupid attractive things and then send their friends text messages about it.

It’s really too bad – I almost hardly watch television anymore.  And, in looking at my netflix queue almost half of it is filled with ‘older’ movies.  But, maybe I’m just officially ‘old’.  I’m sure my parents probably felt this same way when i started listening to Motley Crue and playing Nintendo.  Maybe they just need to make an “oldies” television and cinema network.

PC Look and Feel

In the last week or so, i’ve done a few things that have made my computer more pleasant/appealing to use.
You guessed it. Unordered list time:

  • Installed and configured Compiz Fusion to replace Beryl. If you do not know, Compiz Fusion is the rejoining of Beryl and Compiz which had previously forked. Compiz fusion is definitely one of the most revolutionary things to hit the personal computer in a long, long time…
  • Installed all “ubuntu Studio” theme packages. I run Ubuntu linux, the default installation. Ubuntu studio contains all sorts of applications for video, imaging, and audio production – i don’t really need all that. But, i did think the look/theme was fantastic. So, I installed it on my computer. After using it, it reminds me heavily of jjafuller’s old wordpress theme.
  • Installed “Pidgin”. Pidgin is the replacement/continuation of GAIM. it’s pretty much the same application, but it’s a little more polished regarding appearance. I enjoy it.

I really like my PC. If you would have asked me a year ago, i was buying a mac for sure. No doubt in my mind. Then I started using Ubuntu linux and that has drastically changed my perspective. Ubuntu is free. And it’s fantastic. I haven’t used Windows at home since December of 2006, and i will not ever buy a mac. Ubuntu w/ Compiz fusion is my desktop for the foreseeable future.

Alas, per vanlandw’s request, a screenie just to give the lay of the land. Screenshot

BRB 24

Bitch President Say hello to “Cherry Jones”. This typical late-middle aged woman might look very normal – but she is not normal in the least. She is so far from normal that her existence has changed the world forever. She has done something so entirely profound that I can barely form the patterned ascii text to describe its happenings. This woman… has officially ended my viewing and fanship of the television program “24”.

Officially. Ended.

I have been a 24 fan since college when I purchased the first season on DVD. I watched it nearly in one sitting, and was purely gripped by the show. I have viewed every moment, the entirety of the series, seasons 1 through season 6; but I will not be watching, mentioning, talking about, or even trying to follow along with season 7 of “Fox’s hit show” 24. Since the inception, fox has done everything in it’s power to ruin this sacred and acclaimed television drama. Continually ridiculous plot lines grow with sheer linear upwardness – and interesting, deep characters are banished by death from the show leaving quirky asshole bitches the main focus.

Season 6 permanently jaded me… I was positive that I could never – NEVER – feel the same way about 24 as I did in seasons 1,2,3 and even 5. “Twenty-Four” crossed a very very serious line and there was no coming back from it. I can’t even bring myself to go into details- but season 6 of 24 was just dogshit. I hated it. 80% of why I maintained viewing it was because I wanted to win money from vanlandw because that douche hole love child is definitely Jack’s son. Even then, I was dangerously close to banishment of the show.

Enter Mrs. “Cherry Jones”.

For those of you who do not know, Cherry Jones is going to be the President of the United States in the next season of 24. I had heard this rumor, and VANBERGS informed me that he was pretty sure it was official. He was correct (As seen here). I can’t quite even put my finger on ‘why’ – but the fact that 24 is putting a woman president into the mix has launched raw fury and unbridled hatred onto the camels back, shattering the camel into a Rob Zombie film. “Broke the Camels Back” is hardly an accurate description.

I, Vanberge, am never watching 24 again.


This week, I finally decided to sign up for Netflix. The movie place I previously rented from had closed, so I wanted to be sure and choose “the correct” means of obtaining visual media for the future. After reviewing three contenders: Blockbuster, Hollywood video, and Netflix – the final decision was made. In the end, I just hate blockbuster and it’s hard to argue with the ease of use for Netflix.

Since signing up, I have found myself just plunged in to an abyss of rating movies and managing my queue. I’ve been a member for 3 days and my fat maws have already queued up over 100 films – with a little help from Vanbergs of course. I’ve rated over 200 movies. I’ve added “Fleaux” and “teh teee” as friends. It has generally been fun just being a Netflix member. It just sounds cool to say: “I use NetFlix”. All this and I’ve only watched 1 movie. (Casino royale; i didnt like it. 2 stars)

I’ve also taken this chance to do some fun integration with my website. Note the Movies page referenced in the top menu, and also the Netflix queue sidebar snippet. Yeah – I am a tremendous nerd. And I hate PHP.

At any rate… good game Netflix. And also good game NBC (The Black Donnelly’s).

Google Desktop

Finally… one of my favorite applications has been ported over to “teh” linux. (Now we just need iTunes, Counter Strike, and some (by ‘some’ i mean ANY) video editing applcation). Digress: Google released Google desktop for Linux. I’ve used Google Desktop for awhile – both at home and at work. Let me tell you something – if you haven’t used desktop search in some capacity yet in your life, then you are seriously missing out. Instead of trying to remember which folder under “My Documents” you might have put your resume; or where that video of “3rd Strike – No light” is currently residing; just pop open the desktop search and type “eric vanbergen resume” (obviously inserting your own name); “3rd strike”; or whateve else you want to find on your computer.

Without failure, the result is exactly what you are looking for. I have used a couple different search tools (including Beagle). They all do a pretty good job… Hell, even Micrsoft’s Desktop Search is phenominal, but… I do like Google’s better. In my opinion, its the best desktop search tool out there. It indexes files, word docs, pdf’s, media files (id3, even.. i think), your email, your gmail, your web history… etc.

The linux version is Beta – and with Google’s track record it will probably be Beta till about the year 2047. I’m not complaining though, Google’s beta software is better than 99% of other software in the world today. Hopefully they decide to add the sidebar with the next linux version though. I don’t see it in this initial release, and that is one killer part of the Google Desktop.

At any rate: Check out some screenies of Google Destkop running in Linux

Of other note – We now have two pets. 1 gato named “Kitt” that has been with us for 3 years, and now we’ve added “Kali” (prn: calley) the Scottish Terrier. So far, all is well. She’s a good dog and seems to get along with our cat very well. A few screenshots of “teh” dog are available as well.