
Many things to voice… A summarizing, friendly bulleted list ensues

  • Confirmed hatred of Chicago
  • Driving School (apparently)
  • 365 Days
  • Prison Break
  • Christmas
  • Vanbergs

Confirmed hatred of Chicago:
As I drove back to michigan from Chicago, i encountered the worst traffic ever. like 6 lanes of ‘gridlock’ traffic. it took me almost 2.5 hours to get out of chicago’s city limits. Construction? nope… Accident? Nope. just fucking assholes driving like fucking assholes and having all of them on the same road. “yelling face”

Driving School:
I contest my traffic citation from my previous automotive collision. I plead a good case, talking about the other persons speed being too high, her running red light, etc. The cop was all nervous and stuttering, i figured i had it won. Well, i kind of did. The ticket didnt get ‘voided’ completely – rather reduced to a “zero point nothing on my driving record” fine. So, i was ok with that. No points means no increased insurance. APPARENTLY though, one stipulation of that is to take a “Driving Defensively” course at the police station. Of course the judge didnt say that, i just got a letter in the mail. This class was 4 hours long and cost me 47 dollars. can you say “yelling face”

365 Days:
Tomorrow, i have my annual review at work. Tonight im filling out my forms, rating myself so to speak. Judging yourself is pretty difficult. you dont want to sound cocky, but you dont want to sell yourself short either. My bosses are both pretty cool, so im expecing a 5% raise. Its crazy to think that ive been working there a whole year. Seems like yesterday i was walking out of progressive distribution wanting to urinate on the ashes of the world destoyed… 1 year has totally changed my entire perspective on the entire world.

Prison Break:
In what was one of the best shows ever, i became completely captivated. Well, basically it just stopped and cliffhangered mid season, not to show again for like 6 months. Sheer infuriosity. It really almost makes me want to stop watching the whole show even thought he first ‘half’ of the season was awesome.

Christmas is about 2 weeks away… I havent even bought 1 gift. However, im looking very forward to christmas because im taking my last week of vacation off the week before… Vacations are the best things ever, and it seems that they’re even better if you take them without anything planned at all. I’ll do some christmas shopping, play come counter strike, play some xbox, play some of everything, and just overall be a van. Merry christmas. 😛

Vanbergs graduated from college.

4 thoughts on “Hmmm….

  1. mickeyvb


    when you start spending over 100 on each person, only THEN do you get to fuckin swear, gaw-dammit!

  2. MonkeyMigraine

    I agree, that was annoying the way “Prison Break” ended. I understand it was bad planning for Fox. They had to make room for “24.” I don’t think they expected the show to do well. Hopefully the finale lives up to the wait

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