After probably 6 hours or so of additional work, and maybe 9 total hours – the new theme for P4P has been completely integrated and tweaked to full vanberge customization.
I’m actually very happy with the current look and feel of my website. The Gallery and Google search integration turned out much better this time than it did with my last theme. These two things were my major hurdles, so i’m glad to have them out of the way. I’m still not completely sold on how the Google search results look, but Google doesn’t allow a great deal of customization with that so i think i can live with it. Plus I was able to ditch Google’s ugly html-only search form and mesh the functionality into the default wordpress search form.
I also implemented some other minor tweaks… i widened the site by 100 pixels overall, i increased the font size, added some slight color/border/image tweaks and cleaned up some alignments. All in all, i know way more about css/html than I ever wanted to.
Hopefully Google doesn’t mind that I totally hacked up their search scripts and removed the capability to do a web search from my site. The search form used to have a radio button to search the Web, or p4p.. user had to pick between the two. Now the user CAN’T pick – the search only searches p4p. 😛
If anyone notices any bad/ugly/wrong things with other browsers please let me know… but the site should be pretty uniform regardless of browser.
Tis a beautiful work of art. Well done vanberge4
you have done a great job “the fourth vanberge”…..i like how you are commited to changing the look and feel of your homepage :-*
We should tandemly destroy San Andreas again.
I agree Vanbergs. That was maybe the most fun i’ve ever had playing that game… or any GTA game for that matter.
You should almost host a Stunt Plane Party, instead of having the theme remain Guitar Hero. Or Tony Hawk 2.