Author Archives: Vanberge

7th Best Job in the Country?

Today, I was turned onto this article because it had been posted on Slashdot

Apparently, according to a recent study/poll by “” – I have the 7th best occupation in this country.
Here is a link that basically gives “the top 50 jobs in the country”:

#1 is “Software Engineer” – which almost immediately made me believe that the study had been horribly skewed and misconstrued. As it is my belief that “Software Engineer” would be one of the worst possible jobs on this earth. I pretty much despise everything related to writing/architecting/documenting/testing any sort of software. Java, C++, C, VB, COBOL – I hate everything about every computer language, and nobody will ever be able to convince me otherwise. I guess some scripting languages (bash, html, teh php) are tolerable.

Back to the point –
#7: Computer/IT Analyst – Career description:
Analysts – Analyze science, engineering, business, and all other data processing problems for application to electronic data processing systems. Analyze user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate or improve existing systems and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software. May supervise computer programmers. Managers – Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis, and computer programming. Administrators – Coordinate changes to computer databases, test and implement the database applying knowledge of database management systems. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases. Install, configure, and support an organization’s local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet system or a segment of a network system. Maintain network hardware and software. Monitor network to ensure network availability to all system users and perform necessary maintenance to support network availability. May supervise other network support and client server specialists and plan, coordinate, and implement network security measures.

Although that is not my exact title, i am responsible for many of the things that are described in that “career description”. So basically, reading this list made me good about my position. 🙂

Although, i’d like to know how they got those average salaries. 🙁

Site Related…

Completely on a whim, i apparently have upgraded every web application that runs at p4p.

1: Wordpess 2.0.2 now installed. (from 2.0)
2: Simple Machines Forum 1.0.7 now installed. (from 1.0.5)
3: Gallery 2.1 now installed. (from 2.0)
4: New “Look and Feel”.

I was really quite a rebel here – I didnt back anything up, and i didnt even read upgrade instructions. I just plowed through everything. I almost lost my gallery install… but i was able to fix it by deleting every module and copying in the newest versions from the gallery website.

w00t p4p

Worst post ever

Honestly, I pretty much like everything Google makes/does. Since that is the case, I signed up for the Google Page creator service as soon as I saw it posted on slashdot (this was a few months ago.). Well, they finally enabled my account. I havent done too much with it yet, and I dont even know if i will but I definitely wanted to see what it had to offer. Major weakness that I see right now is that it yields no content management aside from creating static pages. I’ll give it more of a go to see what it’s got

Life in General

Since the ‘honeymoon’ stage of buying a house has transitioned into a less exciting more everyday feeling, i’ve finally had a chance to get my priorities back in order. An unordered bulleted list ensues:

  • I have watched alot of movies recently. (More on this later)
  • I beat guitar hero on hard. Vanbergs can attest to the sheer difficulty of this
  • For some reason, i love basketball of the sudden. I watch NCAA. I watch the Pistons. I even bought NBA Live 2006 by EA sports which i despise for their monopolization of the NFL game market. Ef that. Ef vanberge.
  • House Party = successful.
  • Rusty loves red wine. {shake. moan. blargh}.
  • I am definitely losing the motivation to maintain and update my webpage. Is it honestly worth it?

pointless sequel: noun. American origin. Also see Saw II.

A history of Violence.
I really liked this Movie… Aragorn is really quite a bad ass. I wasn’t sure about the ending, but i can’t concieve any better ending in my own mind – so i have made peace with that. I will probably buy this movie.

Im sick of this update… brb


P4P is back online. w00t.

Moving has been extremely exhausting. It seems like every move gets much much more difficult. I guess it just equates to having more stuff to move, but hopefully this move is fairly permanent for some time. I hate painting. I really hate painting. I hate “Home improvement made easy”. But, i already love living in this house.

Its already been a great deal of work, but after the initial move – i’ve kind of enjoyed doing this kind of stuff. I recaulked the bathtub and kitchen sink counter. I put on new screen door closers because the old ones had bent rods. I installed a garage door opening button. I put in a new dead bolt on the garage. I fixed a leaky kitchen sink. Mickey helped (well, mostly did himself) out by fixing a leaky shower faucet handle. I bought a new oven. Basically Home Depot’s stock went up because of me over this past 10 days.

It’s wierd how my priorities have instantly changed by moving into a home. Typically the first thing i would do is hook up my computer and video games, and then get everything else done “when I got around to it”. Now, I spent pretty much two entire days doing fix up type stuff to the house without so much as a thought of computer, video games, or even television. It was just an extremely odd feeling for me because that is not ususally how things go. I’ve almost been in this house an entire week and still not hooked up any video game consoles or my extremely expensive still not paid for all the way stereo. What a wierd feeling. I feel like I “grew up” or matured kind of instantly. I’ll have to make a conscious effort to work against that.


  • I really need to update gamgeecount, that is coming.
  • Congrats to Vanbergs, Vanlandw, and Flo for obtaining a new residence as well.
  • I am definitely convinced that there is nothing in this entire universe that mickeyvb is not capable of doing.
  • The chuck norris facts are really pretty goddamn funny.
  • The DLO Transpod might be the best 80 dollars i have ever spent.
  • It really does rule to have a basketball hoop.
  • FUCK vanbergs.
  • 24 and the Shield have been pretty phenominal – even though Forrest “I cant open my left eye all the way” Whittaker’s whole plot line is getting kind of stale.
  • GG rusty for keeping the bulleted lists in style.