I have taken it upon myself to make some dramatic changes to EricVB.com.
Unordered list of changes:
- Uninstalled Gallery photo publishing software (I never update it, photos go on FB etc)
- Uninstalled all unused plugins
- Cleaned out the mysql database. (dropped ~60 tables of g2_*, and also ALOT of tables created by past plugins. If you’re a wordpress dev, don’t ever have your plugin create tables. Store an entry in the options table GOSH.
- Upgraded lean/cleaned WordPress to 3.2 Beta 1
- Upgraded immediately to 3.2 Beta 2 which was just released (svn sw ftw)
- Decide on the new default theme called “twentyeleven”
- Learn about creating a child theme; which is way more awesome than directly editing theme files – which, I’ve always done in the past.
- Used my child theme to re-add sidebars to single posts and pages, put in Google analytics code, make various css tweaks
Overall, I like the look of the twentyeleven theme. But there are a couple things that I really do not understand. First:I dont really understand why they remove the sidebar on pages and on single-post permalinks – so it took me some work to figure out how to get that back in there and make it look normal (set pages to use the sidebar template; customized css for all .singular content entries).
Secondly: I cannot stand the header image size. The header in the WordPress 3.0 default theme “twentyten” was 940 x 188. This was too large for my taste, but I rolled with it and grew to be OK with it vs re-writing css to skinny it down. Now, in the 3.2 default theme of twnetyeleven, the header even larger. 1000 x 288. Seriously. TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT pixels tall. That is nearly a third of your screen resolution before you can even see any content. It’s literally nothing but ridiculous. Therefore, I have disabled the header image completely. If any person responsible for the header image size in the theme “twentyeleven”: I hope your car dies on you tomorrow in gridlock traffic seriously.
Things are certainly still a work in progress… but I am having fun re-tooling my web presence.