I’ve recently become certain that there is simply not enough free time on this planet.
Between things like work, home ownership, being married, etc – I could seriously spend all my within that realm. Don’t get me wrong, spending time in this “Adult” realm is definitely not a bad thing… But for the most part, the days of the 10 hour Counter Strike sessions are long forgotten relics of a previous life.
I’m still having a little trouble transitioning though. There is definitely a large party of my being that is still very immature. I very often find myself wanting to shrug off all responsibilities. Definitely been a bit of a struggle lately… I guess you could say I’m hanging onto the “college” mentality. For example, my college mentality tells me: I should beat Halo 3 again. I should play through Fear. I should play through Forza 2. I should finish Gears of War. I should watch the 237 (yes, two hundred thirty seven) movies in my Netflix queue. I should get Guitar Hero 3. I should mod my Xbox. I should get digital HD cable. I should get a DVD/Nav system for my car. I should get a Wii. I should make a Mii. Apple should make itunes for linux. I should get a new video card. I should get another 19” monitor. I should get a new laptop. I should get surround sound for my upstairs. I should get a blueray player. I should plug in my effing Super Nintendo and play “Pilot Wings” from start to mother effing finish.
Then there’s the responsible side, telling me things like: I should paint my hallway. I should fix my garage door trim. I should put in new floors (wood laminate). I should completely remodel the bathroom. I should rake the yard. I should sweep the drive way. I should clean the carpets in the basement. I should put in an exhaust fan in the bathroom. I should change the shitty outlet in the living room that plugs don’t even stay in. I should put the final touches on the finished basement. I should save for a new furnace because mine is exactly as old as me. I should clean the gutters on my garage. I should power wash the deck. I should stain the deck. I should water treat the deck. I should paint the annoying wall in the kitchen. I should get new cupboards in the kitchen. I should get a new motion light for the back yard. I should cut down the basketball pole that there is no basketball hoop fastened to. I should fix the garage walls. I should put real siding on the garage. I should see my father without a mustache at least one time. I should read a book. I should lose a little weight. I should clean the air filter in my car. I should change the front brakes in my wifes car. I should buy a floor jack to jack up both cars. I should unplug the effing Super Nintendo.
Obviously there is a solution to this profound predicament: Balance both of these worlds.
Provide a good home, but enjoy the home. Sit out on the deck you just stained and have a cold beer. Have a nice dinner in the kitchen you just put nice new floors in. Hell, even take a bubble bath in your remodeled bathroom.
With an answer so clear, its amazing that I am even finding myself troubled with this.